HomeGoogleGoogle AirPods alternative Pixel Buds starts at $179

Google AirPods alternative Pixel Buds starts at $179

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Nowadays, most of us are checking on our smartphones at least 100 times a day. This includes playing a song and setting a very important reminder. Apple has launched the AirPods in order for you to complete your task without any interaction with your smartphone. Now, Google has unveiled Google Pixel Buds which can help to execute your task easier and faster.

Google Assistant in your ear

With the Pixel Buds, you can instantly access the Google Assistant without even touching your smartphone. All you can do is just say “Hey Google” and Google Assistant is up. Then you can ask it whatever you need to complete. You can even ask it to send a message to your mom when you are at your workplace. The best part of it is, now you can even translate a foreign language with the Pixel Buds.

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Securely sits in your ear

We humans are totally different. Many of us have different shapes of eyes, face and ears. Some earphones fit certain ears and some don’t. In order to overcome this issue, Google has scanned nearly thousands of ears to create an earbud which sits comfortably and securely in your ear.

The Pixel Buds has a stabilizer arc which gently tucks in your ear. With the interchangeable ear tip, it makes the Pixel Buds to fit securely and comfortably in your ear. You don’t have to worry about losing your earbuds when you are exercising. The Pixel Buds will always be with you.

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Worry less about raising the volume

The Pixel Buds ear tips which gently seal the ear will isolate the loud outside noises in order to give you high-quality audio. The spatial vent underneath reduces the feeling of earphone in your ears. With the Pixel Buds, it will just give you the right amount of surrounding sound outside. The Pixel Buds also has a feature called Adaptive Sound where it will dynamically adjust the volume by itself. For example, if you walk from a quiet place to a noisier place, the volume will be adjusted automatically. You don’t have to reach to your smartphone to raise the volume.

Worry less about calls

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The Pixel Buds has two microphones in the each of the earbuds which focuses on your voice level. Besides that, Pixel Buds also has a voice accelerometer which can detect your speech through the vibrations of your jawbone. This means, your voice can be heard even in windy conditions. This is something none of the other earbuds such as AirPods or Galaxy Buds offers.

Pricing and Availability

Multiple people wearing Pixel Buds

For the pricing wise, Pixel Buds is priced at $179 in the United States. Currently, Google says Pixel Buds will officially be available next year only. Moreover, Pixel Buds comes in four new colours which are Clearly White, Oh So Orange, Quite Mint and Almost Black.

Raaj Lokanathan
Raaj Lokanathan
A software engineer as a profession. A tech blogger as a passion.

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