Buying apps and subscription services would be really painful especially if you are using iOS devices. Telco providers such as DiGi allows you to pay your Apple subscriptions and it will be charge to your monthly bills. Now, Touch ‘n Go will allow you to pay for your Apple subscriptions such as App Store paid apps, Apple Music, and iCloud storage.
Starting today, you can use your Touch ‘n Go eWallet as your payment channel for your Apple iTunes account. Previously, you can use your eWallet as your payment method at the retail outlets. You can set it by going into your Apple ID settings. Then select “Payment & Shipping” and select your payment method to “Touch ‘n Go eWallet”. After that, you will receive an SMS with a verification. Once you make this changes, your other subscriptions in your Apple ID will be
In conclusion, Touch ‘n Go eWallet will be really useful if you don’t have any credit or debits cards. More