HomeMicrosoftMicrosoft to increase Skype video call participants

Microsoft to increase Skype video call participants

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Recently, Microsoft is continuously upgrading all its product line. Now, we can see that Microsoft is working on adding more people to the Skype video call. As for now, Microsoft already supports maximum limit of 25 people in one Skype video call. Next they are planning to double it from 25 to 50 participants in a single video call. Last year Apple introduced group FaceTime video call which supports maximum limit of 32 people in a single call.


Microsoft has already started rolling out this feature for the beta testers. If you are a beta tester then you can have the access to try this new feature of Skype. Moreover, to manage a large number of participants, Microsoft is will be sending notifications to the participant rather than calling them directly. So, if you wished to answer the video call you may. As it is still on beta phase, we can expect Microsoft to roll out this new feature to the public in the next few months.

Raaj Lokanathan
Raaj Lokanathan
A software engineer as a profession. A tech blogger as a passion.


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