HomeGoogleAndroidUninstall CamScanner Android app from your phone now

Uninstall CamScanner Android app from your phone now

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Have you used the CamScanner app before? It is one of the most popular PDF scanner apps for Android smartphones. More than 100 million users have downloaded this app from the Google Play Store. However, recently researchers from Kaspersky Lab have found a trojan module inside the CamScanner app.

The researchers have found a hidden Trojan Dropper module inside the rogue app. Trojan Dropper is a virus which can easily allow remote attackers to secretly download and install malicious program on your Android smartphone without your knowledge.

As the researchers dig deeper into the CamScanner source codes, the Trojan Dropper module is not inside the code itself. Instead, the module is inside a new 3rd party advertising library. The creators of the CamScanner app introduces this advertising library recently only.

Upon noticing this suspicious behaviour, the researchers have reported it to Google. Google has removed the free version of this app immediately. However, Google did not remove the paid version from the Google Play Store. Despite that, we really recommend our readers to uninstall this app immediately.

In case you are still using the CamScanner app, you could be victim too. The owner of the trojan module can access to your device via intrusive advertising. They also can steal money from your account by automatical charging paid subscriptions without your concern.

In a nutshell, as a user, we all should think twice and thrice before installing an app on your device. There are many malware checker apps available in the Google Play Store which you can download and run it for free. Try to run a thorough scan weekly. If you notice any irregular behaviour, immediately report it to Google.

Raaj Lokanathan
Raaj Lokanathan
A software engineer as a profession. A tech blogger as a passion.

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