HomeNews FeedReal-time mall indoor navigation comes to Sunway Pyramid app

Real-time mall indoor navigation comes to Sunway Pyramid app

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Getting lost inside a shopping mall happens always especially when you are at the shopping mall. During those days people use the night shining star as their maps. Now we do have the best map technology in the world, Google Maps. 90% of us mostly rely on Google Maps to choose the route for our destination. Many of you might be wishing that someday we can have indoor navigation too on our Google Maps.

Soon your wish will come true because the Sunway Pyramid will be the first shopping mall to have the real-time indoor navigation for your convenience. Huge shopping malls such as Sunway Pyramid will get you lost easily. To avoid this issue, the new Sunway Pyramid app will have the real-time indoor navigation which uses the Google Maps engine. This will make your shopping easier to navigate over 1,000 stores in one shopping mall. Prerequisite, your phone needs a constant WiFi signal for the app to determine your accurate location inside the shopping mall.

In the beginning when you sign up to use the app, it will ask you few questions to determine your shopping interest. Then it will suggest the stores based on your shopping interest. Apart from that, there are many brands outlets are providing rewards for you when you shop using the app.

The official app will launch on April 12 which will be available for both iOS and Android. At this moment you can still use Google Maps too to use the indoor navigation.

Raaj Lokanathan
Raaj Lokanathan
A software engineer as a profession. A tech blogger as a passion.

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