During a grand evening dedicated to educational growth and cooperative ventures, Israk joyfully revealed its alliance with Muafakat at the prestigious Muafakat Awards Night 2023 on September 23, 2023. Orchestrated by Muafakat, the event was envisioned as a canvas of innovative ideas, recognizing the endeavours of Muafakat members in refining the educational journey, besides honouring the collaborative spirit of present and past members across various states in executing developmental, fundraising, and institutional support activities.
Regarding Israk’s engagement in education, the tech giant extended its support to Muafakat by supplying cutting-edge platforms and tools. Being a premier provider of interactive smartboards in Malaysia, Israk’s alliance with Muafakat is strategic. The provision of interactive smartboards is a testament to Israkโs unwavering dedication to educational brilliance.

At the event, Israk equipped the venue with state-of-the-art smartboards and interactive social media cameras, enhancing the educational ambience and demonstrating the potential of contemporary learning gadgets and interactive media in fostering education.
Muafakat, valuing the essence of collaborative innovation in education, embraced the theme of celebrating educational technology, providing a platform for Israk to exhibit its technological marvels during the Awards Night. This provision initiated an interactive experience, offering a glimpse into the innovative solutions from Israk.
Moreover, the exclusive smartboard provision by Israk underscores Muafakat’s trust in Israk’s forward-thinking tech solutions. This joint venture aims to equip educators and pupils with modern educational tools, brighten the prospects for Malaysia’s educational framework, and solidify Israk and Muafakat’s steadfast dedication to uplifting education in Malaysia.

Muafakat, previously recognized as the Mara Malaysia Educational Cooperation Body since its inception on May 17, 1999, has been a cornerstone for discussions and services that cater to the well-being and advancement of students at Maktab Rendah Sains MARA/Kolej MARA. It has also been instrumental in catalyzing economic activities and facilitating fund-raising by parents, educators, and alumni for MARA educational initiatives.
Expressing enthusiasm about the collaboration, Najib Habib, Managing Director at Israk, said, “The alliance with Muafakat for the Muafakat Awards Night 2023 epitomizes Israk’s enduring commitment to education, showcasing our zeal in offering innovative solutions to enrich the learning environment.” Additionally, Datuk Dr. Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, Chairman of MARA, emphasized the pivotal role of Muafakat in supporting students and teachers across Malaysia, underscoring the significance of education in nation-building, as echoed by Tun Razak in Parliament. He affirmed, “The partnership with Israk mirrors our resolve to remain at the pinnacle of educational technology.โ
For further insights about Israk, feel free to explore their website.