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Facebook introduces memorial features

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Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. Monthly it has billion of users using Facebook app. Facebook tries to introduce new features for its app to benefits its users. Today, Facebook is introducing the memorials feature to the decease members. The main purpose is to serve as a place for friends and family to share memories for who those passed away. According to Facebook, this feature is also introduce to prevent outsiders to log in without authorized access.

As part of the update, Facebook includes a separate tribute section where friends and families can share a post without changing the original post of the account. According to Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook wants to be the place where people can honor the memory of their loved ones. Apart from that, Facebook is also updating its legacy contact feature. This feature is introduced back in 2015, where the user will have to select the legacy contact to take care of their Facebook account.

Now, those legacy contact can moderate on each post which a user posts. They are also can remove tags on offending posts and edit who can write and view a post. Before introducing these changes, Facebook took various feedback from people of different religions and cultural backgrounds. It is good to add legacy contact before something happens.

Other than that, users who are below 18 years old will not be able to select their legacy contact. Now, Facebook is changing its policy to let their parents to request to become the legacy contact of their children. This changes was made after getting feedback from parents.

How to add a legacy contact?

To add a legacy contact:

  1. Click the dropdown menu at the top right of Facebook and click Settings.
  2. Clickย Manage Account.
  3. Type in a friend’s name and clickย Add.
  4. To let your friend know they’re now your legacy contact, clickย Send

In conclusion, if you have not set your legacy contact yet then quickly do it before it’s too late. Facebook promises to update the feature once again once receiving more feedbacks from the users.

Raaj Lokanathan
Raaj Lokanathan
A software engineer as a profession. A tech blogger as a passion.

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