Have you ever purchase an app mistakenly or you might purchase the app and didn’t use it all not even once?. Sometimes, we might tend to browse the App Store and accidentally click on the Buy button. There are few app providers will allow you to cancel the purchase within a certain period of time and refund your money back. At the same time, there are some of the app providers does not allow for the refund.
The most famous app providers we can think of is Google and Apple only. These tech giants are one of the app providers who refund back your money for your accidental purchase. Lets further analyze on how Google and Apple refund your money back.
How to get a refund from Google Play Store
In case if you mistakenly purchase the app from the Google Play Store, you can get your refund back easily. It comes with a condition, where you need to get your refund within two hours of the purchase. If you miss the two hours cut off time, Google won’t be able to refund your money back. However, if you purchase the app and you did not open it at all you can ask for refund up to 14 days later also. But still, Google has to check that you are honest that you did not open the app at all then they will refund your money back. So what are the steps to get your refund back from the Google Play Store?

- Open your Chrome browser and click on this link: play.google.com/store/account
- Click on the “Order History” button.
- On the order you wish to refund, swipe left and tap on the “More” button.
- Then you can select either “Request a refund” or “Report a problem“.
- After that, choose the option that you think is relevant to your case.
- Once completing the form, put a note that you need a refund.
- Upon submitting the form, you will receive a thank you message.
Usually, within 15minutes you will get refund confirmation else it might take up to two business days.
How to get a refund from Apple App Store
Once you purchase an app from the Apple App Store, you will have 14 days to decide whether you like the app or not. If you don’t feel suitable using the app, you can request for a refund. Unlike Google, Apple gives you ample of time to think and decide. Even if you use the app multiple times a day you still can request for a refund within this 14 days period. There are some cases, where Apple will allow the user to refund after 90 days purchasing the app. Let’s list out the step to request for a refund from the App Store. Since Apple did not build any page to report your problem in the App Store, you might need to use the method below to request for a refund.

- Launch any mail app (such as Gmail, Mail) from your home screen.
- Search for your app purchase receipt.
- Tap on the purchase mail.
- Click on the “Report a Problem” link and it will redirect you to the Apple problem report page.
- Login in to your Apple account by using your Apple ID and password.
- Click on the “Choose Problem” button and select the problem from the dropdown menu.
- Once completing the form, tap on the “Submit” button to submit your refund request form. Apparently, within a few days or a week, you should get the reply from Apple regarding your request for refund.
On the other hand, app providers such as Amazon does not allow a refund for the apps, music or e-book. According to the European Union, as the customer, you have the right to request for a refund up to 14 days after purchasing anything. However, Amazon is part of the exemption from this regulation.